MCAT® 2023
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MCAT Exam Prep - What is covered in this course?
Exam Performance
Understand how to apply yourself correctly in your MCAT exam to get your best score.
Reduce Exam Stress
Overcome exam anxiety by understanding the exam process and having a clear plan.
Marking Scheme Analysis
Understand how marks are allocated and what the examiner is really looking for.
How to Study Effectively
Study with a clear purpose for each subject and topic.
Study Motivation
Increase your motivation to study by knowing exactly how to achieve your study goals.
Exam Technique
Understand how to avoid common mistakes made by students taking the MCAT every year.
Increase Your Score By 15 Points*
#Read | #Watch | #Learn | #Improve
*Students in our beta test group improved their scores by up to 15 points from their practice tests.
Frequently asked questions
Who should buy this course?
This course is specifically designed for any students taking the MCAT exam in 2023. If you are planning on taking your MCAT exam on any of the 2023 dates, then this course is perfect for you!
When does this course officially launch?
1st December 2022. However, when you sign up to this course, you will be able to start your preparation for the MCAT immediately with our building blocks for success videos. This covers topics on exam preparation, study planning and motivation.
What is exam technique coaching?
Exam technique coaching is the deliberate process of teaching students how to sit an exam correctly, in order to maximize their exam results.
Our exam technique prep courses focus on showing you how to apply yourself in exams to get your best possible score.
Our exam technique prep courses focus on showing you how to apply yourself in exams to get your best possible score.
Do you review curriculum content for each section of the MCAT?
Exam Performance Institute focuses on exam technique, not content. We show you how to take what you have studied and use that information in a way that addresses the marking scheme of your exams. We do not review content.
How will exam technique coaching help me?
Exam technique coaching will help you get higher grades because you will understand how to apply what you have learned in a way that maximizes your score. Our beta test showed that students could increase their scores by up to 15 points.
This course will reduce your exam anxiety because you will understand exactly what you need to do for your exam, and have a clear process to follow.
This course will reduce your exam anxiety because you will understand exactly what you need to do for your exam, and have a clear process to follow.
What is covered in this course?
This course covers several important aspects of our Exam Performance System. This course will provide guidance on how to prepare for your exams, develop your exam performance routine, how to understand a marking scheme, study with a focus on mark collecting and most importantly, how to perform in the exam itself. You will also be able to ask questions to Dr. David Cosgrave on each topic video.
Do you offer a guarantee or refund?
If you buy this course by mistake or decide that it's not for you before watching the videos, then we will offer a full refund. We cannot guarantee your exam results. However, we offer students free access to our MCAT 2024 course if you do achieve your required MCAT score for your first choice medical school in 2023. (Value €999)
Meet Your instructor
Dr. David Cosgrave
David Cosgrave is founder of the Exam Performance Institute. Before founding the Exam Performance Institute, David spent over a decade lecturing at three top 1% universities on two continents. David is passionate about teaching students exam technique and wants to help students get their best possible results.
Patrick Jones - Course author